I want to make a donation

You can donate movable and / or immovable property for use in the various projects of Constant Sharing – Association, both in Portugal and in countries receiving humanitarian aid containers.

Making a monetary donation is contributing in the quickest and most effective way to help someone in dire need. With your donation, it will be possible to give continuity to the various social projects that are underway, as well as to support needy families. Thank you for your contribution!


You can make your donation through the following means:

Transferência bancária Paypal
In Portugal:
Transferência bancária (NIB: 0035 0773 0000318613064)
Cheque (à ordem de Partilha Constante – Associação)
From Foreigners:
IBAN: PT50 0035 0773 0000318613064



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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