

Sponsor a Child

We are a Social Support NGO that works in partnership with the NGO Remar Internacional, a Christian institution that was founded over 30 years ago and is established in more than 72 countries, whose job and objective is to provide help to the needy. Several Social Support Projects are carried out to rescue both homeless …

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Caravan I-Meeting

The CARAVAN I-METTING PROJECT is one of the newest PROJECTS OF REMAR, in partnership with CONSTANT SHARING ASSOCIATION “Partilha Constante”, beginning in 2017 This work is done through a van that was equipped for the SOCIAL SUPPORT SERVICE. THE MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THIS PROJECT is to provide a more personalized assistance to the people in need, giving them …

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Remar Partilha constante

Humanitarian Aid

The “Partilha Constante” Constant Sharing Association takes into account the needs of groups at serious risk of disruption as a result of prolonged droughts, floods, earthquakes, wars, etc., which continue to punish the most vulnerable populations. It is within this framework that the absolute urgency of sending humanitarian aid containers with basic elements of subsistence …

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Open Hands

The Open Hands Project is part of the Millennium Development Goal to reduce extreme poverty. We collect basic foodstuffs, soliciting donations through awareness campaigns and / or donations, which are then distributed to families duly referenced and in a rupture situation, and this action began to be developed in the parish of Algueirão / Mem Martins. …

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SOS Streets

The “Partilha Constante” Constant Sharing – Association, through the SOS Streets Project, develops social actions in the most degraded areas of Lisbon, Porto, Gaia, Coimbra, Sintra, Setúbal and Portimão, where it distributes weekly hot meals to the homeless, as well as providing pertinent information on the existence of Reception Centers spread across the country that …

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A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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