
Sponsor a Child

We are a Social Support NGO that works in partnership with the NGO Remar Internacional, a Christian institution that was founded over 30 years ago and is established in more than 72 countries, whose job and objective is to provide help to the needy.

Several Social Support Projects are carried out to rescue both homeless people and those in extreme poverty. In addition, we are already providing necessary care for orphaned children in several countries in Africa and Latin America, in Asia and also in Europe, with great relevance in recent times. Our help meet the basic needs like Food, Shelter and Education. But we want to do more and better, and for that we need you to be part of this change of mercy …

The “PAC” program is the Child Sponsorship Program, (“PAN”, in Spanish). In this way, it is possible to sponsor a child who lives in Remar’s homes shelters in many African countries and Latin America, as well as in some Asian and European countries.
With a small monthly fee, you are helping them to fulfill their dreams.

We want to encourage you to make this decision to sponsor and / or help in our Social Support Projects!
You can be among those who support their peers in these or other Humanitarian Aid Projects, whether in your area of ​​residence and / or internationally.

Contact us!
Sponsor a Child
|  Tel. 961 624 801

Help your neighbor and you will not regret it! You can do the Sponsorship in this link: Apadrinhar uma Criança
Find out more about the missions and volunteering

 you can also collaborate with a Donation.



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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