
A Protocol of Cooperation between “Partilha Constante” Constant Sharing – Association and the Remar Portugal Association was signed, both parties being non-profit private associations dedicated to helping the most disadvantaged through, among others, projects to combat social exclusion and poverty.


Food Truck Support to the Reinforcement of Hospital Urgency Covid-19

Since the beginning of this year, the country (Portugal) has been suffering the incessant multiplication of the Contamination of Covid-19 ...

Sponsor a Child

We are a Social Support NGO that works in partnership with the NGO Remar Internacional, a Christian institution that was ...

Caravan I-Meeting

The CARAVAN I-METTING PROJECT is one of the newest PROJECTS OF REMAR, in partnership with CONSTANT SHARING ASSOCIATION "Partilha Constante", ...
Remar Partilha constante

Humanitarian Aid

The "Partilha Constante" Constant Sharing Association takes into account the needs of groups at serious risk of disruption as a ...

Open Hands

The Open Hands Project is part of the Millennium Development Goal to reduce extreme poverty. We collect basic foodstuffs, soliciting ...

SOS Streets

The "Partilha Constante" Constant Sharing - Association, through the SOS Streets Project, develops social actions in the most degraded areas ...



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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