Food Truck Support to the Reinforcement of Hospital Urgency Covid-19

Since the beginning of this year, the country (Portugal) has been suffering the incessant multiplication of the Contamination of Covid-19. Given a great pressure on the urgency dedicated to respiratory patients and hospitalizations, Lisbon Central Hospital, extended the Covid-19 Contingency Plan.

The responsiveness of the Hospital Network has been increasing as the health situation worsens and the need to respond requires the involvement of all the Health Structure in the country.

In response to the need and strong work on the part of all Health Assistants, REMAR in partnership with Partilha Constante created the Food Truck  Support Project to reinforce and Support  these Assistants.

A Support Protocol was signed with the administration of Hospital Santa Maria of Lisbon. This agreement consists on distributing free meals through a van prepared for cooking and a team of volunteers from both institutions.

These weeks have been and will be of great pressure for all those who provide Health Care. Thus we are facilitating meals consisting of complete menus for Doctors, Nurses, Assistants and Firemen.

Actions are worth more than words!



These foods are completely free and made with great pleasure. Thus, complete menus are distributed from soup, pizza, bifanas, coffee and others.

This mission is an attitude of civility and responsibility towards everyone. Each of us is called to make a difference, supporting and preventing the spread of this harmful virus.

Our wish is that everything will return to normal and that the situation will not worsen.

Do what is right!



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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