We know that this month of June we celebrate an important day for the whole population, so we wish a HAPPY CHILD’S WORLD DAY. The Constant Sharing Association “Partilha Constante” works in partnership with the REMAR Association, which is now in more than 72 countries around the world to help and rescue lives of death, especially orphaned children living on the streets.
We are present in countries of the African and Latin American Continent where a large part of our Shelters are for CHILDREN and disintegrated families. Some of the countries with large numbers of children are: Angola, Mozambique, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Swaziland, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Ecuador, Nicaragua, India, Philippines and others.
As a result of the large number of children in the Remar shelters, it was necessary to create other alternatives to meet the basic needs of the children, we developed the international Project called PAN, “Programa de Apadrinamiento de Ninõs”, in English Children Sponsorship Program”. You can also visit and sponsor a child HERE.
Community centres for Children and Families were created, as is the case in Guatemala, where there is a complex called “THE CHILDREN´S CITY“, of about 500 children. In addition to the homeless shelters, other resources have been created for Education, taking into account the high number of children and the educational conditions that each country offers. This is how we created Primary and Secondary Schools in some of the countries mentioned above. In some African countries, many of our children receive medical care through Institutions and Volunteer Doctors groups from the United States and Europe.
We have no doubt that children are our future, but they are also our present, and so we need to offer them a decent life. Most of our children came from destroyed homes, families that are disintegrated, abused, orphaned, abandoned, some even enslaved by their parents to have food at the table.
In this month of June Constant Sharing and the Remar Association make a call to all of you, to support our supporting Programs for our children. There is still hope!
And they urgently need a support, a family, a home!
know more about our Child Support Programs:
You can also colaborate with your donation for this Projects.