partilha constante

International SOS Project Covid-19 Support

Statistics affirm the growing advance of this pandemic across the country and the world. We have a responsibility to take care of each other and to be prudent in order to mitigate this contagion.

Homeless people have no way of doing it. They can remain isolated where they stay overnight, but they do not have the necessary resources that many of us have in our homes. But we can alleviate their suffering by contributing to their daily food.


remar - partilha

All over Europe, help has been offered to welcome homeless people, vulnerable to Covid-19, in cooperation with NGO REMAR. We do Food Distribution in the most deprived areas. Host centres were made available to receive people who need shelter in Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, England and other European countries.

We have seen the distress and the need of so many people in Spain, as it has been one of the countries with the highest number of infected with the Coronavirus.
We also offer Food Support to a regular number of families that were already benefiting, and to new families that, due to the lack of resources, asked for help.

Latin America

partilha constante

The NGO REMAR in Latin America. The Street Support Project has been one of the main projects, and as the state of emergency was reinforced, this SOS Project started to be carried out more frequently during these days.

Both in Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, and in almost all countries where Remar and Constant Sharing are carrying out their Social Work more intensely at this time, as well as throughout South America, in countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, Brazil, Colombia where states of emergency have already been decreed, and in countries where the poorest population lacks food.



apoio sos

Support for the African Community has been carried out as an exceptional work, with a special focus on helping the children of this place.

People live in precarious conditions, and in this state of emergency at Covid-19, we continue to give our support with food on the streets and in our reception centres.

In Mozambique, more than 800 children and young people participated in the Information Campaign as a protocol for the PROTECTION AND HELP OF REMAR S.O.S MOZAMBIQUE. There was explanation and information in detail about the strict Hygiene and Cleaning measures to be adopted, especially for washing and disinfecting hands.

In more than 15 African countries, this SOS project is being carried out simultaneously in Cape Verde, Mozambique, South Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Angola, Burkina Faso, Ghana and others.

Not everyone has the chance to be at home due to their work, but we can help those who live in difficult situations right now.

Collaborate with us on these URGENT SUPPORT PROJECTS.

We need Human and Financial Resources to carry out this Great Work.

A simple gesture makes a lot of difference!





A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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