Open Hands Reaches South Africa

The “Open Hands” project, is an SOS project that was born in the heart of the Constant Sharing “Partilha Constante” Association and the Remar Association, providing food support in several countries where these institutions are present.
This project aims to provide assistance by providing sustainability to families through the donation of food baskets, with basic food products.

In this way the Open Hands project extends to South Africa, each week the NGO Remar distributes food to a large number of people in the localities where Remar is present in the country. Currently the distribution takes place in Johannesburg where a group of volunteers distribute these food baskets to twenty families in need. We have tried to give guidance and assistance in curing HIV / AIDS to women, especially those who have babies. In addition to the food, we give them a word of encouragement and invite them to enter our host centers.

In order to continue this project, Constant Sharing “Partilha Constante” in partnership with the Remar Association, we appeal to Portuguese and private companies working in this African country or Portugal and the rest of Europe to support this project with the most varied food products, sending humanitarian aid containers between other sources available for the development and livelihood of these communities.

Your help is important and makes a difference! Collaborate!





A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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