Sending Humanitarian Aid Container to Belize

The NGO Remar is present in Belize, a sovereign state belonging to the Caribbean community, located on the northeast coast of Central America. Belize has a very small population, but a large percentage is poor, living in ghettos. So the work to develop in this nation is with the Homeless, Junkies, as well as in the Food Aid to orphaned children in precarious conditions.

Remar Belize SOS Projects solidarity em Belize

The Constant Sharing Association “Partilha Constante”commits itself sending of Humanitarian Aid Containers

The Constant Sharing Association “Partilha Constante Associação” commits itself to the sending of Humanitarian Aid Containers to these developing countries in partnership with the NGO Remar.

On October 24, 2018, a Humanitarian Aid Container for Belize was loaded with donated materials by the institutions items like Clothing, Footwear, Baby Carriages, as well as Articles for Resale and Fundraising for the sustenance of our Centers, and some materials which are specifically purchased for the restoration and expansion thereof.

A team of young volunteers have made it possible to load this container, as usual, and do it with great joy.

loading the container Projects solidarity in Belizesending help sending aid container

The entire customs process, administrative and shipping costs are fully covered by Partilha Constante and Remar Portugal. But we need sponsors to continue sending more containers.

Please help! Also be a Sponsor to help Remar Belize and other countries.

Contact us!
Tel: 00 351 935453976
        00 351 211509880




A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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