Remar SOS and the Refugee Drama

Since the beginning of the  REFUGEES CRISIS this NGO has activated its PROGRAM REMAR S.O.S. sending volunteers and Emergency Aid to the borders of Central Europe and to the Refugee camps of Greece.

The rigors of the winter 2017/2018, together with the prolongation of a time without solutions, makes the environment of the Fields we notice the feelings from the helplessness to the indignation. This has led the volunteers who have moved there, to increase their dose of love, patience and solidarity. In this way has been sent dozens of volunteers from all over the world, who, through REMAR NGO, are taking this much-needed aid that saves lives.

Refugee camps volunteers Remar

The Constant Sharing Association “Partilha Constante Associação works in partnership with Remar in Portugal and several Portuguese-speaking countries “POLOP” so we also want to collaborate with this refugee aid project. We know that among them there are children who are not to blame for what they are suffering.

Remar help refugees children tents for the refugees supports

Appeal from Volunteers, Staff and Collaborators from REMAR of Malakasa Camp, Greece:

We do not have requirements for people who want to help us. We simply need a heart willing to serve! You can be sure that, as with other Volunteers, you will have an exciting, useful and unforgettable experience!


TVE report on refugee support by NGO Remar in Lesbos, Greece

Report from TV program Buenas Noticias TV of Spanish TVE, under the support that NGO Remar is carrying out in the Lesbos Refugee Camp in Greece.


The expenses of the REMAR S.O.S. are very high and the aid from institutions, companies and private individuals is increasingly urgent and necessary. That is why we appeal for your cooperation!

Please collaborate and participate in this Project!
Direct contacts through:
Tel. +41 844 777 770

If you would like to collaborate by sending a donation, you can do so to the following account: ES75 0075 1244 1406 0005 8301



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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