partilha constante apoio social sem-abrigo

SOS Project Support Activated to Help Homeless with National Covid-19 Alert

REMAR SOS Portugal and Constant Sharing Aid in this State of National Alert

Due to the situation in the country and in the world, places of refuge have been closed and the distribution of soup to homeless in some cities has been canceled. Faced with so many doors to close, the NGO REMAR and Partilha Constante open their doors of love and compassion to help the most needy.

The Constant Sharing with the REMAR SOS Program, in its National Strategy for Supporting the Socio-Sanitary Emergency, provides accommodation for people in situations of helplessness and vulnerability, including the homeless, in their Shelters in Portugal, providing them with a safe haven with appropriate health precautions.

The NGO REMAR PORTUGAL issued an official statement in which a message is sent to disadvantaged people, more specifically to the homeless or others in a state of poverty, where they are given the possibility of shelter, material and spiritual help, due to the alarming situation in our country.


We appeal to your contribution to the support of each one of these people
219 206 703

☞ In Portugal there are more than 4000 homeless people




A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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