Apoio de Rua Partilha Constante Asia

I-Meeting Project Hong Kong

I-Meeting Project in Action in Hong Kong Streets

Hong Kong is a thriving city with a vast population, but it also has many thousands of people living on the edge of poverty. The aim of this work is to help people with their basic needs, facilitating the livelihoods of families and individuals living on the streets.

 Apoio de Rua Partilha Constante Asia Apoio de Rua Partilha Constante Asia

Having carried out this complete partnership with REMAR, which has been in place for more than twenty years, we are already getting a solid base to be able to carry out this support together with the volunteers of both institutions. The Street Support that is carried out by the Volunteer Team, whose name was born in Portugal “I-Meeting”, is a process of personal and direct assistance to people living on the streets, and / or, in conditions of extreme poverty.

The main objective for these people is to abandon this lifestyle in order to be able to undertake a “new beginning”. As we continue to work on the street, people are motivated to enter our Reception Centres, where each day they have at their disposal the basic resources (accommodation, clothing and food), as well as the resources to be able to learn and carry out crafts and development of their skills and talents.

Apoio de Rua Partilha Constante Asia
We also systematically offer a meal and a bag of basic food in places with the highest concentration of homeless people, and where there is the greatest poverty. We encourage each of them to make a decision to leave the streets and start a new life through the Reception Centres that are open day and night to receive them.

The results have been very positive, and we are aware that there is still a lot to do…



*Sponsor a Child



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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