apoio social partilha constante

Christmas Supper 2019

The 12th Solidarity Christmas Dinner was, as usual, held by the Remar Association in Partnership with Constant Sharing. It was very special for us and for all the people who could receive a plate of food and comfort.
Each Christmas we elaborate this and other Supporting Projects and Programs. But during the year, and not just at Christmas, we held a Solidarity Supper in different cities of our country, striving to help and contribute to the eradication of poverty.

This year the Christmas dinner was held simultaneously in the cities of: Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra, and Portimão. About 500 meals were served. In the city of Portimão the Solidary Supper was held for the first time.

In Lisbon the Solidarity Christmas Dinner was held for the 12th time in Martim Moniz Square, with the sponsorship of the Lisbon City Council and the Silvestre Festas Company, which once again very generously gave a 250 m2 tent, where they were About 300 meals were served with the support of dozens of volunteers.
In Porto city, for the 9th time around 120 meals were offered at REMAR’s premises.
Coimbra held its Solidarity Supper for the 4th time, and 42 meals were served at REMAR’s facilities in the city center.
In Portimão was the first Christmas dinner in this city, and 40 meals were offered, served by six volunteers. We received donations from individuals and the City Council of Portimão gave a tent to welcome people. The Ports of Sines and Algarve Associations also provided us with space for the Tent, which we thank you very much.

We, in partnership with the Remar Association, have carried out many Social Assistance Activities throughout the year at the Food, Shelter, Rehabilitation, Homeless Support level, which can now bear witness to how they have been rescued from marginalization.

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We thank all those who were part of this Help Project, directly or indirectly, as well as all types of Support, Donations and Volunteering.
The photos are available to you on our Facebook page and you can also watch the TV reports.

Want to participate and collaborate with these social projects? Make you contribution here

Constant Sharing wishes you a Happy New Year! God bless you!

apoio social partilha constante





A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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