Distribution of daily meals throughout the country

In these Times of Crisis and Uncertainty for the whole country and for the world, we must be a help to those in need. A help not only for food, but also for a word of encouragement in your personal and family anxieties.

Due to the need of Homeless in these moments of crisis, the Constant Sharing Association and Remar ONG, carry out the Food Distribution, daily, in the main cities of the country.

Daily help for homeless people  

Partilha Constante SOSEvery day, Remar and Constant Sharing Volunteers prepare to bring unconditional help to these more than 600 people across the country.

In the city of Lisbon More than 400 meals are distributed daily; in the city of Porto, about 180 meals and in Coimbra we registered a number of over 60 people. Adding two more families in Portimão and Sines.

Most are homeless, and in addition to soups and snacks, they receive a friendly and comforting word. They just have to make that decision and we’ll receive them at the reception centres free of charge.

Confirm with the images and videos on our Social Networks and Website. See more photos here.

We would like to thank all companies and individuals who have helped us with food, snacks and financial aid. With your help we can help much more and better.

Projeto SOS Partilha Constante e Remar Projeto SOS Partilha Constante e Remar Projeto SOS Partilha Constante e Remar

Projeto SOS Partilha Constante e Remar Projeto SOS Partilha Constante e Remar Projeto SOS Partilha Constante e Remar


Expenses are high and we continually need resources. To continue with this Homeless Aid Project, we have created a Fundraising Campaign.

To help us, you can make your contribution through food donations or financial support.

We thank you for your generosity!



O Projeto Remar SOS em Parceria com a Partilha Constante Associação nas principais cidades do país. Os Sem-abrigo das cidades de Coimbra, Porto e Lisboa recebem apoio diário com alimentos e palavras de animo e encorajamento. Para continuarmos a ajudar precissamos da sua ajuda! https://donorbox.org/sos-covid-19-abrigo https://remar.pt https://partilhaconstante.org #coronavirus #remarsos #partilhaconstante #semabrigo

Publicado por Partilha Constante em Segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2020



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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