
Reopening of the Charity Shop

We inform all our customers and friends that our Charity Shop Partilha Constante reopened this week. We know that this ...

Thankfulness for the SOS Project

Constant Sharing Association and Remar Portugual hereby thank all those who have collaborated in our REMAR COVID-19 SOS PROJECT. We ...

Distribution of daily meals throughout the country

In these Times of Crisis and Uncertainty for the whole country and for the world, we must be a help ...
partilha constante

International SOS Project Covid-19 Support

Statistics affirm the growing advance of this pandemic across the country and the world. We have a responsibility to take ...
partilha constante apoio social sem-abrigo

Covid-19 SOS Project – Homeless

SOS Project Covid-19 / Homeless Support In order to respond to the pertinent need of the society in this State ...
partilha constante apoio social sem-abrigo

SOS Project Support Activated to Help Homeless with National Covid-19 Alert

REMAR SOS Portugal and Constant Sharing Aid in this State of National Alert Due to the situation in the country ...



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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