
Christmas Supper 2021

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year the Christmas Supper was made as Take Away format. Constante Sharing Association, in ...

New Facilities for Rehabilitation and Social Integration

Coruche Farm Quinta de Coruche is a new Reception Center for NGO REMAR and Partilha Constante Association, for the recovery ...


Solidarity is an act of kindness and understanding  others. The times we live in today are very difficult for many ...

Humanitarian Aid

Despite the Social and Economic Crisis that Pandemic COVID 19 forced us to live in, we have not given up ...

South Africa food distribution

REMAR SOUTH AFRICA since 1998 is offering help to addicted people and the marginalized. We have played a very important ...

Soups and Snacks by the SOS Project

The SOS PROJECT is present in the most degraded places and on the streets of the cities where we carry ...



A Partilha Constante Associação O.N.G.D. de utilidade pública subvenciona projetos de ação social levados a cabo em parceria com outras associações congéneres em Portugal e nos Palop, gratos pela compreensão.

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